What to Do When Turning Off Your Air Conditioner for the Season

As temperatures and leaves begin to drop, it’s time to prepare your home and HVAC system for the cooler weather ahead. Performing a few simple tasks at this time of year can help protect your cooling system from the elements and ensure that it is ready to go next spring when you need it.

How to Shut Down Your AC for Winter

Flip the Switch

Head outside and locate the power switch that controls your air conditioner, which will be mounted on the exterior wall of your home near the condensing unit. Lift the protective cover, flip the switch from “on” to “off”, and close the cover. By eliminating the source of power, you eliminate the risk of your AC accidentally turning on during unseasonably warm weather. This step also protects you from injury or electrocution while you clean and prepare the system for winter.

Clean the Outdoor Unit

Over the summer months your air conditioner is exposed to the elements, becoming coated in dust, dirt, debris, dead insects, bird droppings, and more. Clear the area surrounding the outdoor unit by picking up loose debris, trimming back grass or foliage, and sweeping hard surfaces. Use a hose to rinse off the exterior, removing as much grime as possible, and allow the unit to dry completely before continuing on to the next step. Perform these tasks on a day when the air is still to prevent dust from blowing inside the unit and on to system components.

Examine the Exterior

Now is the time to take care of any concerns with your air conditioner and safeguard against issues when your restart the system in the spring. Carefully inspect the outer casing, looking for cracks, leakage, rust, or other abnormalities. Check that all seals look tight and aren’t cracked or deteriorated. If you notice any items that require attention, call the experts at Quality Comfort Air for fast, reliable diagnosis and repair.

Take Cover

Protect your AC from the elements by providing cover, using any of the following methods:

  • Structural cover – If your condenser is protected by a shelter or structure, ensure there is a minimum of three feet of clearance on all sides and on top of the unit.
  • AC Cover – You can purchase a commercially made waterproof AC cover at most home improvement stores. Use a bungee cord to secure the cover to prevent it from blowing away, and ensure it is loose enough to provide adequate airflow to stop moisture buildup.
  • Plywood sheeting – Lay a sheet of plywood cut to fit the top of the unit with a one-foot overhang on each side. Place a heavy brick or stone on top of the plywood to prevent it from moving.

Perform Periodic Checks

Keep an eye on your AC throughout the winter months, visually inspecting the unit every few weeks. Remove any visible debris or foliage from around the equipment, and ensure the cover remains in place.

Schedule HVAC Maintenance in Spring or The Woodlands, TX

Quality Comfort Air offers homeowners in the North Houston area a choice of three different levels of maintenance programs to keep your HVAC system running at peak performance. Our experienced, knowledgeable technicians have over 20 years of industry experience and a commitment to delivering the highest quality products and services.

Contact us online today to schedule an HVAC appointment in Spring, The Woodlands, or Kingwood!
