D-I-Y Air Conditioning Maintenance Tips

overgrown unit

Air Conditioning Maintenance Tips

Everyone wants to be able to get the most out of their air conditioner unit. We wanted to let you know about 6 simple air conditioning maintenance tips that can help maintain your A/C unit between check ups.

  • Change Filters
    • Write the date that you install the filter and then check filter in at least 30 days. If it is clean then check it every two weeks until you notice that it is dirty. This way it helps you know the schedule for your house on how often you need to change the filers. Use your phone to help set reminders
  • Thermostat
    • If you have a battery powered thermostat change the battery at least once a year with a quality battery
  • Emergency drain line 
    • Make sure that it is not dripping
    • Will be located outside the house coming out of the soffit, usually located over a window or door
  • Do NOT stack anything on or around your inside or outside unit
  • Keep plants or shrubs trimmed back from the outside unit
  • Schedule for a A/C or Heater check up
    • Have a/c checked out in the spring and the heater checked out in the fall. However, you can call us anytime to come out for a check up